Qualify your prospects and make your trade fair profitable !
Simple, easy et effective
You are most likely, as most of the exhibitors, dissatisfied of the number of customers generated following a participation in a trade fair and consequently of the return on investment which ensues from it. Recent studies indeed proved that:
limited effectiveness post-fair
87% of prospects met during a trade fair are never recontacted
Qualifying the prospects increases the conversion rate
Qualifying the prospects increases by 79 % the rate of conversion of the contacts in customers.
Prospectik was conceived to answer this problem and to increase the profitability of your trade fair.Prospectik indeed is the solution that optimises the management of your post-fair follow-up; that qualifies your prospects in an effective and intelligent way; and that allows you to increase your post-fair turnover
Your are not yet convinced ? A unique solution for only 299 € per license !
You can download an example of report by following this link : --> Prospectik